Some of our children still need general sponsorship, if you desire to help with a monthly sponsorship, please email [email protected] and ask them to match you with a child who still needs some general sponsorship.
Any amount helps but most of our donors give according to what they can afford each month, between $50-$100 per month.
Education – Our children are growing fast, we need help supporting the costs of their schools. Click here for more about sponsor a child’s education. Some of our family are in university and some still in elementary/primary school…
The needs range from transport, books, shoes, and school fees
Thai Staff Support:
Our workers are all volunteers so we try to help them have a team of supporters to enable them to keep working with us. Click here for more about our Thai staff.
Everyone loves to be reminded how special they are on their birthday, so if you’d like us to do that on your behalf, please email [email protected] and let us know if there is anyone specific you want to bless from wherever you are in the world….you can give via Australian Mercy or YWAM MT or direct to our Thai account. We can ensure that your gift goes toward blessing that one, either one of our faithful staff or one of our grown kids or someone still in our home…
We are also happy to send you photos after the fact, if you request and would appreciate that.