Categories: Newsletter

by Home of the Open Heart


Categories: Newsletter

by Home of the Open Heart


Dear Friends,
Do you know anyone who is a teacher who would like to share their skills in missions? We need teachers for the new school year (starting August) at the school Arnie goes to: Chiang Rai International Christian School. If you’d like more info, check out their website:, or write to us.

Biggest teacher needs are a 5th grade teacher and Language Arts teachers. Other needs: Elementary aides, Science teacher, ELL coordinator, ASP teacher.

Since Yanee completed DTS  (Discipleship Training School), earlier this year, at her request we have been preparing to launch her toward independence to join the YWAM team in Ratchaburi, south of Bangkok. Penny went with her last week, Friday May 17th, and stayed over that weekend to help her settle. She is now living with our YWAM friends: Bum, Alee & their two young boys. We are delighted for Yanee as she is takes this step in her life. Their main goals in Ratchaburi are to reach out into the schools and community serving in practical ways, as they share Jesus love, plus they receive short-term teams from many places around the world, to work alongside with them. Yanee still needs a small amount ($60) of support to reach her monthly goal, so if you want to partner with Yanee and help with any part of that goal for Yanee, please email me.

Arnie is finishing up grade four this week, during his 2 month summer break, he will travel with us in June, to Dukada’s wedding in Germany. He was granted a Schengen visa this week, which of course is very exciting for him.

Nui is flourishing serving with YWAM in Battambang, Cambodia. If you’d like her newsletter, also let me know and I’ll pass your e-address on, so that she can write to you.

Jono is over halfway through his one year military service. We so enjoy the few days, every couple of months, when he is allowed to return home for a rest. We are so proud of his great attitude in serving his country in this way. He is a rockstar.

Seems it is the year for family weddings. Our son Zac, will marry Sierra on August 31, we are very happy for them both. They live in beautiful, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, USA.

Garin, is with us every day. This year he started faithfully coming to work alongside our staff Narong, keeping our property neat and tidy, fixing things, gardening and helping others in the community with projects as the need arises. We often reminisce about the sickly little baby boy, we took in more than 20 years ago, who was not expected to live, now a healthy young man, who helps us consistently with a happy heart, to keep our large property mowed, trimmed and tidy. Garin turns 23 on June 21st.

This year Bom and Foon graduate university. Both these young men are finishing up four years of university. Bom in Chiang Rai, and Foon in Michigan, USA. We are proud and continue to pray for them, as they make important decisions for their future. Neither are sure yet, what the future holds. Foon is still hard at the studies and Bom has secured a great job in Bangkok already.


Pray for Colleen and Shirley as they have returned to South Africa to sort out passport difficulties. The twins, Mercy & Faith are in our care during their absence.

We trust that you are overwhelmed with the good things in life, as well as choosing to enjoy the mundane.
Bless you,
Paul and Penny


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